March 30, 2014 at 12:52 PM
Sweet. Determined. Beautiful. Strong. Those four words that don't quite describe Seattle's Sweetest Piece of Eye Candy, Ms. Candy Apples. She has fought and won against breast cancer twice. This sweet piece of no-nonsense fruit is not be underestimated.
Ms. Candy Apples lives in this rhinestoned world work with one foot in the classic burlesque genre. Think of the classic tease during the golden era of buresque; we're talking 1950's bump and grind. That puts you on the right track. The other foot is firmly planted in the nerdy pursuits of science, comic books, fandom, and more. These loves frequently surface in her nerdlesque performances. On Thursday night you'll get to see both of those feet in action at the Belltown Burlesque Revue when the Re-Bar's lights go down at 7:30 and the magic begins.
Four more days to get your tickets! They are on sale now!
March 29, 2014 at 1:11 PM
Just like the bottle of sparkling wine, Crystal Tassels is an excitable babe. She’s the top shelf champagne that builds up pressure until it explodes in climax of sensual tease, glitter, and wicked humor. This multi-continentalist darling, the Bubbliest Babe, is sashaying onto our stage for you.
This Thursday, April 3rd, she has two things that may be of interest to you. First is a deep, passionate love of photography or, more to the point, one specific photograph. This photographic love fest is bound to excite, titillate, and maybe change the exposure of your shot. Her second act of the evening could one of two ways: Either it’ll be poultry in motion or really fowl. Either way, you’re going to want to flock with this bird of a feather to the ReBar on Thursday for the Belltown Burlesque Revue.
Don’t miss your chance to this witness this powerfully moving burlesque and purchase your tickets today at Brown Paper Tickets.
March 28, 2014 at 9:28 AM
Have you ever danced on the breath of the wind? Seattle’s Mythic Muse has and we're sure you will agree she is a creature of myth; both dark and mysterious, exotic and dangerously beautiful. With such dedication to her craft, Whisper De Corvo treats every performance as a legend in the making. Her performances bring vintage-inspired burlesque with a twist of the bizarre to stages near and far.

Power comes from the personal experience. The beauty in art is the ability to share those experiences, that power. Next Thursday, Whisper De Corvo will bring two very powerful pieces of art to our stage and she will share them with you at the Belltown Burlesque Revue on April 3rd at the Rebar.
Don’t miss your chance to this witness this powerfully moving burlesque and purchase your tickets today at
March 6, 2014 at 10:27 PM
Out of our neighbor to the north comes a performer from the other side of the world. Hailing from Australia is Precious Metal, a 24 karat performer if there ever was one. You’re going to love her shining wit and the purity of her moves. With nearly 7 years of performance experience under her belt and membership with the award winning Screaming Chicken Theatrical Society we are certain you’ll be entranced by this gilded angel.
Our angel of tease brings with her the sound of her home land, a little band called Alpha State. Formed in early 2003, Alpha State quickly rose to prominence in the Australian metal scene and gained a reputation for high energy live shows and the fiercest of attitudes. Drawing musical influence from the likes of Pantera, Metallica, and Iron Maiden. Sadly, in December of 2008, the band dissolved. On Saturday, we’ll take a listen to indie band that’s no more and celebrate their music while Precious Metal comes down to earth.
Let us expose you to something new at IndieStrip: Burlesque Celebrates Independent Music

Tickets are on sale now at Brown Paper Tickets through Saturday morning and at the door on Saturday night!
March 3, 2014 at 8:32 PM
Miss Violet DeVille is a class act from a history that never was. She is a steampunk with a love of mixing performance with nudity! When not producing and performing in burlesque and cabaret shows, she belly dances, dabbles in absinthe cocktails, creates daguerreotypes and other photographies, and spends far too much time in her workshop making mad science sexy again!
At IndieStrip on Saturday, the Timeless Tollop invites you into her lab where she’s been working on her a latest creation and she’d like to demo it for you. Miss DeVille was compelled to build this clockwork doll after hearing the echoing reverb and rhythms of Beats Antique’s music. David Satori, Sidecar Tommy, and Zoey Jakes have demonstrated solid skills blending jazz and bluesy folk with middle Eastern melodies and riding high on hip-hop influenced beats. Come to the workshop and see what Miss DeVille has assembled for you on March 8th at the Re-Bar.
Let us expose you to something new at IndieStrip: Burlesque Celebrates Independent Music

Tickets are on sale now at Brown Paper Tickets.
February 28, 2014 at 11:23 AM
The Mistress of Melodrama, Miz Melancholy revels in making people slightly uncomfortable…in a profoundly titillating way. This founding member of the Seattle based burlesque and performance art troupe, the Libertinis, has demonstrated an affinity for the gothic and the macabre through her precision crafted performances. Though some have made the terrible mistake of writing her off as just another pretty face, we urge them to reconsider. Not only is this ecdysiastic wunderkind a gifted performer, she also flexes her intellectual muscles in the area of earth and space sciences with same passion, drive, and intelligence she brings to the stage every time.
Next Saturday when she takes the stage at IndieStrip, she’s going to be exploring something a little darker and something deeply personal. The sound track to this comes from the music of Sherree Chamberlain, an Oklahoma City based singer-songwriter and sometimes educator. Between Ms. Chamberlain’s music and Miz Melancholy’s performance style we are certain you will be drawn in and changed by them at IndieStrip on March 8th.

Let us expose you to something new at IndieStrip: Burlesque Celebrates Independent Music
Tickets are on sale now at Brown Paper Tickets.
February 26, 2014 at 10:55 PM
EmpeROAR Fabulous!!! is a fine example of a renaissance man. Not only is he an award winning boylesque performer with accolades from the Great Boston Burlesque Expo and the Carolina Burlesque Festival, he’s an actor and producer, an emcee and a singer-songwriter. The Exposing Composer is known for his sexual wit, campy humor, and total disregard for the gender binary. Not one to pick a style and stick with it, EmpeROAR Fabulous!!! draws from a music palette of pop rock and jazz to mix his drama and social commentary with pure lust. Even when not performing to his own music, this master craftsman will compose his every move, every glance, and every reveal to create the best exposure possible.
At IndieStrip, the Exposing Composer would like to introduce you to Purr Gato, a Seattle based electronica group. Their sound has been described as “sweet Eighties-influenced” and “carefully sculpted”. You’re going to love the composition of tease EmpeROAR Fabulous!!! is scoring to the dark wave gem that is Purr Gato at IndieStrip on March 8th.
Let us expose you to something new at IndieStrip: Burlesque Celebrates Independent Music
Tickets for IndieStrip for March 8th, are on sale now at Brown Paper Tickets!

February 4, 2014 at 9:05 PM
At least one person has noted that she can be creepy and perhaps kooky. They’ve said she’s mysterious and spooky. Still others have said that maybe she’s all together ooky. You may feel differently about this first mate of the Feisty Felines, the pirate cat girl performance group. Personally, we like to think of her as neat, sweet, and petite. On February 8th, Katie Kat will wear her heart on her black fur coat sleeve—rather than storing it in the glass jar she buries in the cemetery out back—and brings us a shockingly delightful tribute to everyone’s favorite hairless uncle. We’re positive you’ll find the performance downright electrifying when you join us for the Belltown Burlesque Revue at the Re-Bar.
Tickets are slipping away, get yours before they’re gone! Tickets are on sale now!
February 2, 2014 at 11:11 PM
Jo “Boobs” Weldon is not your average burlesque performer. In addition to her ecdysiastic exper-tease, she is the headmistress of the New York School of Burlesque, the author of the Burlesque Handbook, the vice president of the only burlesque educational and social convention BurlyCon, and the Co-Director of Education at the Burlesque Hall of Fame. Or to put it much more simply, she is an amazing icon of the art form we call burlesque. To say that we are happy to have her in the show is an understatement of immense proportions. More accurately, we are delighted. Over the moon, really. In fact we are so excited we can hardly keep our clothes on. Next Saturday we invite you to come see what everyone is talking about at the Belltown Burlesque Revue.
Get close to the action with a special V.I.P. seating! Tickets are on sale now!
February 1, 2014 at 10:46 AM
She is the Tyler Durden of burlesque, a guerilla terrorist on stage and a master of her craft. Seraphina Fiero owns any stage that she is on and revels in pushing boundaries. Now she comes to the Belltown Burlesque Revue next Saturday with her silks to obscure and tease you, to push you, and make you meet your mortality. Stop fearing death, she intones, but accept that one day you will close your eyes and they will not open again. Accept this fact so that you may live and when death comes for you next weekend she will be there and pleasure will follow.
Time is slipping away to get the tickets you need at